

My body undulates to the thumping of my
pink-coloured vibrator as it reaches the inner
recesses of my blushing nether ye. You see,
there’s a different story down there
in every lace, every embrace.

I come in the bathroom as he lies in our
bed, reading yet another book that I
recommended in my blog this week.

I come, I gasp, I almost shout, he smiles.
We don’t have sex,   b u t   b u t   b u t
he smiles to himself every time I come,
every time I gasp. Mutual happiness, mutual
pleasure. He cares for me, cares so much.

I return to his arms: we hug, we kiss.
His hand moves my body closer to his.
I am lying on him now, head on his chest.
We read the remaining fifty-three pages
together. This is our bliss.

Author: Mridula

Author Bio: Mridula is a research scholar and a poet. She enjoys reading feminist non-fiction and postcolonial writing.

Author Notes: My poem explores masturbation, asexuality, and happiness by using the backdrop of a relationship.


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